In March 2024, significant updates were made to the Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulations across Australia, specifically targeting the safety of lone workers.
In March 2024, significant updates were made to the Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulations across Australia, specifically targeting the safety of lone workers.

This year, the 2022 Review of Queensland’s Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the national 2018 Review of the Model Work Health and Safety laws have been updated and legislative changes have been implemented. These changes are listed in the Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (WHSOLA Act).

The WHSOLA Act strengthens worker protection and representation, as well as encourages the take up of health and safety representatives (HSR) in the workplace.

Key changes include:

– Clarifying HSR powers

– Encouraging the election of HSRs

– Provisions to ensure HSRs are appropriately remunerated

– Streamlining the issue and dispute resolution process

– Promoting consultation between workers, representatives and person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)

– Clarifying and extending entry permit holders (EPH) powers.

WHSOLA 2024 implementation in Queensland

Queensland has implemented Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act (WHSOLA) 2024 following a 4 step-plan:

28 March 2024:

– Prohibition on insurance for fines

– Rail Safety National Law (Queensland) clarification

20 May 2024

– Worker representation and consultation

– Entry permit holders

– Regulator information sharing and disclosure of information

– Inspector powers

– Timeframe to request prosecutions

– Code of practice reviews

– Process to establish industry sector standing committees

– Name change of consultative committee.

29 July 2024:

– Election of health and safety representatives

– Power of health and safety representatives

– Health and safety representatives’ choice of training provider

– Health and safety representatives’ choice of training provider and new training timeframes

– Employer obligations to health and safety representatives

– Cease work notices

– Worker representation and consultation

– Establishing health and safety committees

– Accompanying entry permit holders on site

Coming up:

Further announcements will be made in due course for the remaining provisions to be commenced. This includes:

– Provision of information contained in improvement, prohibition and non-disturbance notices by the regulator to HSRs and EPHs on request

– Power to prescribe high-risk plant and minor amendment to the Public Health Act.

For more details on this and key takeaways on the different provisions, check out the WHSOLA Act 2024 communications kit from the Queensland Government.

Create a safe and productive environment while staying compliant

SafeTCard provides advanced safety solutions that help employers meet these obligations and protect their workers effectively. For more detailed information and resources on lone worker safety, visit Safe Work Australia and your local WHS authority.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of lone workers not only fulfils legal obligations but fosters a culture of care and responsibility within the workplace. 

For more information on how SafeTCard can help you enhance the safety of your lone workers, contact us today or call us on 1300 723 382. Together, we can ensure a safer and more secure working environment for all. 

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