When we think about safety in the mining industry, our minds often go to physical dangers like cave-ins, machinery accidents, or exposure to hazardous materials. However, there is another significant and often overlooked threat that studies have consistently shown as a pervasive issue in the mining sector: sexual assault.  Implementing employee safety devices can play a vital role in protecting workers, fostering a safer workplace, and attracting more women to the industry. 

The pervasive issue of sexual assaults in mining: recent statistics 

Statistics from recent reports reveal the severity of the problem.  

In 2024, a study lead by the Centre for Transformative Work at Curtin University found that only 53% of female FIFO workers reported feeling physically very safe in their work-provided accommodation.  

According to a report from Mining and Energy Union, 17% of female workers in the mining industry have experienced physical acts of sexual assault, compared to just 2% of male workers. Additionally, 43% of women reported experiencing unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and unwanted physical contact, compared to 4% of male workers.  

The situation is further highlighted by a report released by Rio Tinto in February 2022, which revealed that more than a fifth of women reported incidents of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault within the past five years. 

The problem is so significant that it has led to legal action, with some perpetrators being convicted and sent to jail. Mining companies are also starting to investigate these issues internally, and governments are creating reports to address the problem. However, the industry is still heavily male-dominated, making it challenging to change the culture quickly. 

The impact of unsafe work environments on labour shortages 

The mining industry in Australia is also facing a skilled labour shortage, with the Australian Resources and Energy Employer Association (AREEA) estimating that an additional 24,000 workers will be needed by 2026. Attracting more women to the industry is seen as one way to address this shortage. However, before this can happen, the industry must address the culture of sexual harassment and unsafe working conditions. 

Addressing the trust gap in reporting 

Despite the alarming statistics, a significant challenge in the mining industry is the lack of trust employees have in reporting incidents of harassment and assault. Many victims feel that their concerns will not be taken seriously, and in some cases, they fear retaliation or that their complaints will simply be swept under the rug. This distrust is compounded when perpetrators face minimal consequences, often being transferred to other worksites or rehired by different companies. This not only perpetuates the cycle of assaults but also creates an environment where victims feel powerless and unsupported.  

Mining companies must address this trust gap by implementing transparent reporting processes, ensuring that all complaints are taken seriously, and that appropriate actions are taken to protect the victims and hold offenders accountable. 

The role of personnel safety devices in protecting employees 

To combat these issues, mining companies must prioritise the safety and well-being of their employees by implementing comprehensive safety measures. Personnel safety devices play a crucial role in this effort. SafeTCard offers a range of such devices designed specifically to protect personnel and lone workers in high-risk environments like mining. 

  • SafeTCard ID Card: this discreet device doubles as an ID card holder, allowing employees to carry it easily without drawing attention. Equipped with features such as GPS tracking upon activation and a panic button, it provides immediate access to help in case of emergencies. 
  • SafeTCard 4G Companion: ideal for remote and isolated work, this device offers real-time monitoring, two-way communication, and fall detection, ensuring that workers are always connected and can receive prompt assistance when needed. 
  • SafeTCard Mobile App: this app turns a smartphone into a personal safety device, offering features like emergency alerts, GPS tracking upon activation, and check-in capabilities. It is an accessible solution for workers who may not have access to dedicated safety devices. 
  • SafeTCard Bivy Stick: designed for extreme environments with limited connectivity, this satellite communication device allows workers to stay in touch even in the most remote locations. It includes an SOS button and GPS tracking when activation, providing a lifeline for employees working in isolated areas of the mine. 

These devices provide a discreet and reliable way for workers to call for help in emergencies, whether they are facing physical danger or harassment. Equipped with features such as GPS tracking upon activation, panic buttons, and real-time monitoring, these devices ensure that help is always just a button away. By offering immediate assistance and a direct line of communication with security teams or emergency responders, personnel safety devices empower employees to feel secure, even when working alone in remote or isolated areas of the mine. This not only protects workers but also fosters a culture of safety and trust within the organisation. 

Building a safer, more inclusive industry 

Investing in safety devices and other protective measures is more than just a regulatory requirement—it is a moral imperative for the mining industry. By prioritising the safety of all employees, especially women who are disproportionately affected by assaults and violence, mining companies can build a more inclusive and supportive work environment. SafeTCard’s comprehensive safety solutions play a crucial role in this effort, offering reliable protection and peace of mind to those who need it most. 

This commitment to safety and inclusion is essential for attracting and retaining talent, particularly as the industry faces a growing labour shortage. When employees feel valued and protected, they are more likely to remain with the company, contribute to its success, and recommend it as a safe and supportive workplace. Ultimately, by taking these steps, the mining industry can not only improve its reputation but also ensure long-term sustainability and growth. 

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Pulse+ Fob
The reliable, budget-friendly, waterproof safety alarm
SafeTCard Pulse Fob