Did you know….?
According to Safe Work Australia, ‘if you’re a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), you must consult with workers (including any health and safety representatives) and other duty holders in managing work health and safety risks.’
Under the WHS laws, PCBUs must, so far as is reasonably practicable, consult with workers who carry out work or the business or undertaking about health and safety. The workers you consult with will be those who are, or could be, directly affected by the health and safety matter.
Under the WHS laws, if you share a work health and safety duty with another PCBU, you must consult and exchange information with each other and work together to manage risks and keep workers safe. If you are sharing a workplace with other PCBUs, or are working together in a contracting chain, you are likely to share work health and safety duties.
Ask us for the Safe Work Australia Checklist – it will help you to ensure you have arrangements in place that support effective consultation.